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Leadership: Translating Values for the Next Generation!

The landscape is changing so fast for leaders these days. Markets, customers, trade flows, social and legal practicesWhat was once common sense is being re-defined. 

Edwin Land, one of the greatest inspirations for Steve Jobs at Apple, said in 1970, “Our society is changing so rapidly that none of us can know what it is or where it is going. All of us who are mature feel that there are historic principles of behavior and morality, of things that we all believe in, that are being lost, not because young people couldn't believe in them, but because there is no language for translating them into contemporary terms.”

Real leadership is “Values in Motion”.  As leaders, coaches, and mentors, we have to be willing to re-assess and re-communicate our values to those whom we lead – those “historic principles” than Land spoke of so long ago.  Value-based leadership is confident, even when the path ahead is dimly lit.  Well communicated and relevant values help us navigate the potholes and roadblocks of life.  Hurdles and obstacles will always be there, but the next generation leaders will lead better, and inspire more, when we have translated those vital values and truths to the next gen leaders who are hungry for real leadership.